A Hinge Moment in Life - A Devotional from ServingHIM



Dear Pastor,

As I sit down to write to you it is Pentecost Sunday in America and I believe Pentecost is next Sunday in Romania. Not only is America just starting to recover from COVID 19, but now is under attack by terrorists proclaiming to be protestors. Our constitution certainly provides for peaceful protesting, but not destruction, looting, and vandalism. Please be praying for America! Judy, (my wife), and I have joined our hearts with the worldwide prayer movement known as Unite 714. (2nd Chronicles 7:14) Go to Unite 714.com for the particulars. 

What is meant by A Hinge Moment in Life? From a spiritual perspective it is a point or point in time in one's life that results in a life-changing or life-altering event. An encounter with life or in life that results in a new direction or a change in direction of one's life; an experience, with such impact, that it has the potential to change one's beliefs, his thought life, and his character. It would be such an encounter that is remembered forever. 

There are potentially many different events that could trigger such a life change, for example: 

l. Marriage/divorce, broken relationships.

2. Salvation experience/Godly encounters or satanic encounters.

3. Loss of a loved one, health issues, or financial issues.

4. Consequences from a good decision or a bad decision.

With this in mind, let's take a look at some Hinge Moments in the lives of some men and women in

scripture and how it impacted their lives and lives of others as well.

Jacob: The son of Isaac and brother to Esau. We recall the story of how Jacob deceived his brother, Esau, and stole the blessing from Esau, the first born. (Genesis 27). Jacob's mother, Rebekah, encouraged him to go to Horan and live with her brother, Laban, until Esau's fury subsided. Jacob remained in Horan for twenty years. As Jacob had deceived Esau, so Laban deceived Jacob. Read the complete story in Genesis, Chapters 28- 33). On his way to Horan (Chapter 28:13), God renewed the Covenant with Jacob that He had made with Abraham, his grandfather and Isaac, his father.

After leaving Horan and on his way home, we read Jacob was engaged in an all-night wrestling match with a Man, an encounter with God. And the Man could not prevail against Jacob. The Man said "Let Me go". (Genesis 32:26) But, Jacob said "I will not let you go unless you bless me." Jacob was asked by the

Man, "What is your name?" He said, "Jacob" (deceiver). And He said, "Your name shall no longer be

called Jacob, but Israel, for you have struggled with God and with men and have prevailed." (Genesis

32:38) and He blessed him (Jacob); from and through Jacob the nation became known as Israel and his

twelve sons fathered the twelve tribes of Israel.

Paul: Paul had a Hinge Moment Experience as he was on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-22). His life was forever changed and as a consequence of this Hinge Moment in Paul's life, we are the recipient of Paul's writings and doctrinal teachings of today. Scripture tell us Paul had many experiences in and with the Lord that were life changing for him. 

Esther: Esther had a Hinge Moment in her life when she made the decision to go before the King knowing if she were not received, she would be put to death. She was received and consequently saved her people from annihilation. (Book of Esther) 

This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday in Romania. We remember our Lord's instructions to wait in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. (Luke 24:48) We have seen the world turned upside down following this Hinge Moment in the lives of a hundred and twenty people gathered together and received the Holy Spirit. 

This devotional could not be closed without calling to remembrance the biggest and most impactful pivotal moment in the life of our Savior, Lord Jesus. He made the decision to go to the cross, to become a sacrifice in payment for our sins and with His subsequent resurrection the old life of death passed away to a new and eternal life in Him. What one man's Hinge Moment in life did for you and me and all of humanity! For whoever believes on Me shall be saved! (John 3:16) 

Pastor, I know you have had and are yet to have more Hinge Moments that so changed your life and were contributory to the man of God you now are. How we praise God for you and for you sharing your faith, heart and life with us. As you approach Pentecost Sunday I pray that you will have a Hinge Moment Experience with Holy Spirit that He will overwhelm you with a fresh encounter of His boldness, His energy, His love and fresh vision; that He will wrap you up in a garment of praise to drive out any spirit of heaviness, and that you will have an unforgettable Hinge Moment of His Joy. May the Lord Bless you and Keep you, (protection), the Lord make His face to shine upon you, (favor), and the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. (Shalom, meaning to be complete, perfect and full) May this Pentecost Sunday be the beginning of many new Hinge Moments in your ministry! 

Remember that we at ServingHIM are here to serve you. Our desire is to partner and walk with you and help you to fulfill all that our Lord has placed on your heart to do for Him. I pray for you, your family, your church family and the Church of Romania, that God will pour out His Spirit as on the day of Pentecost and great revival will breakout in all of Romania and Eastern Europe. 

Brother Gene Lamberth

ServingHIM Prayer Team Lead

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